Want to get constantly in touch with Gaia’s mission? Download or run its tools!
Single Object
Accessible from the Gaia ESA Archive, under the tab "Single Object".
GUMS – Gaia Univers Model Snapshot
Simulation of the objects that can be observed by Gaia down to a given limiting magnitude.
GBOT Interactive Tools for Tracking Gaia
Check the Field-of-View Maker!
Gaia Observation Forecast Tool
This tool is intended to aid astronomers in finding out when their targets will be observed by Gaia.
Gaia Science Alerts
Gaia misioa jarrai ezazu komunitatearentzat argitaratutako alerta fotometriko potentzialen bidez.


Ohiko publikoarentzat!

iOS App-a
Gaia Archive
Access to Gaia Archive
Interactive tool which allows observers from all around the world to plan their observations with a concrete scientific goal and feel the excitement of being part of a real space mission such as Gaia.
Gaia Science alerts
Follow-up the Gaia mission through potential photometric alerts provided to the community.

For astronomers!

For a broad audience!

App for iOS
Gaia Sky
It is a real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software that runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Visit the official webpage and start running the software!
Gaia Mission App
An interactive application for mobile devices designed to discover the details of the Gaia mission and keep users engaged during it.

Android App

iOS App