
Busca documentos sobre la misión Gaia, vídeos, presentaciones, imágenes y páginas web relacionadas en este directorio de recursos disponibles. Filtra y refina tu búsqueda eligiendo idioma y el tipo de recurso que estás buscando.


Teresa Antoja – My work as post doc on the Gaia Mission

Teresa Antoja explains her work in preparation for Gaia mission.

Créditos: ESA


Postcards from the Edge of the Universe

"Amazing Astrometry", in page 45, explains the basics of measuring the Universe.

Créditos: Alberto Krone-Martins


Gaia Workshop materials

Download all materials to explore the Geneva-Copnehagen star catalogue and better understand how the Gaia Catalogue will work.

Créditos: George Seabroke


Amina Helmi on the Milky Way and dark matter

Interview at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science.

Créditos: Sociedad Española de Astronomía


Timo Prusti on Gaia

Interview to Timo Prosti, Project Scientist of the Gaia mission, at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science - EWASS 2015.

Créditos: Sociedad Española de Astronomía


The Meaning of Light

Created in 2013 for the launch of the satellite, now this video incorporates the theme song "Singing the Stars".

Créditos: M.Crosta (OATo-INAF)/Maga Animation/ASI


Impressions from the AGIS meeting in Heidelberg

An outreach video about the astrometric solution of the Gaia data.

Créditos: K. Jäger (MPI for Astronomy), S. Jordan (ARI)


Italian audio/videos on Gaia

They're all broadcasted via TV, radio, You Tube and Media from 2011 to 2014.

Créditos: OATO - INAF


Press releases on Gaia in Italy and abroad

Créditos: OATO - INAF


Journey to a billion suns

Créditos: Planetarium ESA